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What is Colic?

What is Colic?

The word ‘colic’ is often said to parents of a miserable baby. Baby won’t stop crying? It’s colic. Baby constipated and struggling to poo? Just colic. Baby arching his back and writhing around in pain? You guessed it, it’s colic. One question is often asked by distraught parents; what is colic?

How can colic be so easy to diagnose yet every colicky baby seems to have different symptoms, but all have one thing in common. Misery. Both baby and parents are absolutely miserable.  Health professionals look for the rule of three; is your baby crying for three hours or more, for three days a week over the course of three weeks?  Now in my opinion I think this “rule” is completely outdated. Not only has modern medicine come along so much but the knowledge of the infant’s development is now more understood too, yet they still revert to this rule to diagnose a baby.

So, what is colic?

This is the big question, as it is often shrouded in mystery. It is a diagnosis that is given to so many parents by health professionals, yet it doesn’t address anything. Not to mention that it doesn’t help a baby who is so upset and in obvious pain. If your baby is otherwise healthy and gaining weight then no help is provided and you are left trying to cope. This leads to parents being unsupported and feeling frustrated.

It is time to simplify colic. It is a collection of symptoms rather than a condition itself. It is also a sweeping diagnosis that is given to babies who cry but otherwise are healthy.

Rather than labelling a baby as colicky we should stop treating the symptoms and think about the real root of the problem. Your baby is crying for a reason and until we know what that reason is how can we treat a baby successfully and stop the misery? More needs to be done to understand the baby, the family history and see beyond the initial symptoms.

Additionally, it is important to remember that one baby’s colic is different to another’s and this is because it will have a different cause. One baby may be sensitive who is trying to adjust to this new world, and the only way she can communicate her distress is to cry. She has a red face, she clenches her fists and seems inconsolable. This baby’s misery is completely different to a baby who’s body is having an allergic response to milk, and can only tell his parents that he has tummy ache by crying inconsolably.

Is colic real?

It sure is if you ask a family who is in throws of colic hell. It is a complete and utter nightmare of a reality. A family with a colicky baby will feel overwhelmed, helpless, distressed and frustrated.  Experts in the field of colic should spend time with families to provide them with an understanding of their baby and be given coping mechanisms so that families are not facing this alone. Someone there to understand the misery of both the baby and the parents. A listening ear who can not only sympathise but can empathise. Parents should feel loved, supported and cared for.

Why causes colic?

There are various causes of colic. This is why having an overarching diagnosis of ‘just colic’ is not helpful. Care and attention needs to be given to families so that a true understanding of a child’s misery can be acknowledged and addressed.  It could be the difficulties in settling due to the fourth trimester, it could be reflux, lactose intolerance, digestive difficulties, an allergy or a wealth of environmental issues.

Many parents are told that their baby will grow out of it by twelve weeks old and this is not helpful. Twelve weeks is a very long time when you are faced with an inconsolable baby. In some cases those colic symptoms will not disappear at twelve weeks and only then questions begin to be asked. Although do you really want to be waiting for that magic three months mark to pass before being taken seriously?

Here at Colic SOS, I am all about simplifying colic. Making it simple for you and your family because when the advice is tailored to you, it really is that simple.

What help is available?

As a Colic Consultant and Baby Massage expert, I have many years of experience of helping colicky babies. I understand the pain that a family suffers as I have been there myself as a mother to a colicky baby. I have felt overwhelmed, helpless and a failure as a mother too.

The Colic S.O.S programme is a completely personalised plan which is designed to help families who are in the throws of colic misery. By understanding the root cause of a baby’s colic, the right tools can be used to empower parents to help their baby. The programme also looks to nurture the parents too by equipping them with self-care tools so that they are not neglected during this difficult time.

Want to know more about my services? Find out more here; or book your free 15 minute call.

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