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Tongue Tie Is A Cause Of Colic

Tongue Tie Is A Cause Of Colic

Research suggests that one in ten babies could suffer with a tongue tie but many go unassessed. This is despite tongue tie being a common cause of colic in a baby.

A tongue tie is caused by a short or tight membrane under the tongue. It can cause a lot of issues for babies. Although some babies have a tongue tie and do not experience any difficulties at all.

Babies are often checked for tongue tie at birth but when the tie is further back (posterior), it can be difficult to diagnose. Even when a baby’s tongue tie is noticed, many health professionals are now reluctant to resolve it or decide to take a watch and wait approach before snipping it. This is especially the case for babies who are bottle fed, which seems unjust as more attention is paid to the latch of a breastfed baby.

Problems caused by tongue tie

Babies with a tongue tie will often have a poor latch, whether breastfed or bottle fed. This poor latch can result in your baby taking in excess air which then sits in the tummy. This results in colic like symptoms of crying, pulling up knees and bloated tummy. This is why tongue tie is one of the most common causes of colic.

The tongue tie can also contribute to reflux symptoms too. As the extra air (caused by the poor latch) can push the feed and acid contents of the stomach back up the oesophagus. This results in both physical reflux and silent reflux.

Signs of a tongue tie

It can be difficult for health professionals to recognise a tongue tie. Just by looking the tongue is not a sure sign of knowing if your baby has a tongue tie. Here are some signs to be aware of if you suspect that your baby may have a tongue-tie:

  • Can’t latch well
  • Tends to chew more than suck
  • Poor weight gain
  • Feeds for a long time, takes a short break, then feeds for another long stretch
  • Is fussy when trying to feed
  • Makes a clicking sound while feeding
  • Seems hungry all the time

Next steps

If you suspect that your baby has a tongue tie then there are experienced practitioners who are specifically trained to carry out tongue tie assessments and to assess tongue function. To find your local practitioner then the Association of Tongue tie Practitioners can provide you with further information

If the assessment confirms the existence of a tongue-tie and an impact on feeding has been proven, a frenulotomy (division of the tie) is usually carried out.

Every baby is different

After the surgery, some babies will immediately see an improvement in their condition. Some babies will take time to recover and to latch as the sudden freedom of the tongue movement will make babies feed differently. I have clients who report that their baby is immediately better and their colic symptoms have disappeared. I also have clients who reported that they had to feed their baby by syringe for a few days and it took a few weeks before a noticeable improvement.

What to take from this is that every baby is different and the effect of a tongue tie will have a different impact on each baby. If you suspect your baby has a tongue tie and it is the cause of your baby’s colic symptoms then see a specialist tongue tie practitioner for an assessment.

For more information on the services that I provide for families who are struggling with colic and reflux, click here; or book your free 15 minute call.

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