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Should I Shake My Baby’s Bottle when Making Formula?
Why is my Baby Crying?
Is Colic and Reflux the Same Thing?


Milk Allergy in Babies

There is a small percentage of babies who suffer with a milk allergy (CMPA).  The official statistics being 2% to

Sucking to Soothe Colic

Babies are born with several newborn reflexes to ensure their survival. One of the strong reflexes is the suck reflex.

Probiotics to Help Colic

A baby’s gut flora is very important and recently a lot of research has been undertaken to see if probiotics

Baby Hiccups

I am asked so many times about a baby’s hiccups. What are they? What causes hiccups in newborns? So, let

Tongue Tie Is A Cause Of Colic

Research suggests that one in ten babies could suffer with a tongue tie but many go unassessed. This is despite

Natural Remedies for Colic

Parents are taking a noticeable swerve away from traditional medicated colic treatments and moving towards homeopathic, natural remedies for colic.

Early Weaning is Not the Cure for Reflux

Early Weaning is not always the answer when you are struggling with a reflux baby. If you a parents to

Easing Trapped Wind in Babies

Trapped wind in babies is one of the most well-known triggers for colic. This is when your baby is struggling

Could Palm Oil Cause Constipation in Babies?

Would you be shocked if I told you that then palm oil is added to infant formula as standard? The

My Bump 2 Baby Expert Podcast

I am delighted to be featured as a guest colic expert on the My Bump to Baby Expert Podcast. In

Infant Dyschezia: Grunting Baby Syndrome

Does your baby grunt and squirm when you think they are trying to poop? Your baby may even cry too.

Gripe Water for Colic

Many families turn to gripe water in the hope of a magic cure for their colicky baby. But can gripe