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How to Soothe a Colicky Baby

How to Soothe a Colicky Baby

A colicky baby can be inconsolable and difficult to soothe. Here are my top tips to soothe a colicky baby.

A colicky baby can have excessive crying episodes and be difficult to soothe. Here are my top 5 tips to soothe a colicky baby.

1. Swaying / Movemnet

Babies love movement so gently swaying them when stood up will help your baby feel calmer. It lowers their heart rate, stops the adrenaline pumping and puts them in a rest and digest state. Have you noticed that your baby seems to know when you stop moving and sit down? This is because being stood up and the movement works so well that as soon as you stop – their heart rate increases again. Try a baby sling so that you can move with your baby comfortably.

2. Tiger in a Tree

This particular position is great for helping unsettled babies feel calmer. By placing your baby in the prone position, their head in the crook of your elbow and hand on tummy, it reduces stimulation, provides comfort and security whilst also placing a gentle pressure on the tummy in case it is causing your baby discomfort. Please see an example of the hold Tiger in a Tree.

3. Warm baths

A warm bath can soothe a colicky baby by helping them relax and reduce tension. The warm water can also soothe tummy aches and reduce gas and bloating.

4. Baby Massage

Baby massage is a great tool to help baby feel relaxed and it releases natural pain killers. It can help eliminate wind and promotes good quality sleep. Check out the YouTube video for my tummy massage routine.

5. White Noise

White noise such as a washing machine, a hairdryer, a fan or a white noise app can help babies feel calmer. It emulates the sounds in the womb so the familiar, soothing sounds can calm a crying baby. One study found that white noise successfully helped newborn babies sleep. In the trial 80 in 100 babies fell asleep within five minutes of listening to white noise. Another study found that it worked particularly well for colicky babies as it reduced the period of crying episodes.

I hope the above tips help you soothe your colicky baby. Please check out my other articles for lots of free advice and of course book a call with me if you’d like to discuss your baby’s colic.

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